Celebrating a spring & summer of firsts!

Jun 28, 2024

When we launched Grounded in Ag in April, we were hopeful that the value of this program would start paying off for people joining agriculture quickly. But in reality, we were also nervous. We'd spent countless hours planning, building, discussing, but launching? That takes things to a real level we hadn't had. 

There were firsts before launch... first interviews done, first mistakes made, first lesson finished, first module ready to go, etc. But I love how firsts continue to mount up for us! 

Right on the heels of our launch, we had the first registration purchased. That was reason to celebrate. Shortly after we had our first bulk purchase of courses for a team. We've had people complete lessons, quizzes, modules and courses! 

While we have been busy working on Phase 2 courses, we had people complete Phase 1 which means they have worked through more than 9 hours of video content, contemplated content with downloads & quizzes, and access the community. 

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