Closed Captioning Available Across Grounded in Ag Courses

Jul 05, 2024

So often now, it's nice to have captioning on with video. In fact almost half of the video watched in the US is done with captions on whether that's based on hearing differences, learning styles or just personal preferences. 

With the availability of various artificial intelligence transcribing services, we knew we wanted to get close captioning added to all our classes. But we have all seen issues with terminology not recognized, regional accents not getting caught correctly, and other errors. And nobody wants that with courses where we are actively developing people's vocabulary. So we wanted to review all of the transcripts closely -- that's where our summer intern Maezi Alford stepped in! 

Maezi recently finished her bachelor degree in Agricultural Media and Communication at West Texas A&M University (Canyon, TX). She started working with us this winter scouring the internet for resources that would help us build out the Phase 2 courses. 

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